NLIS visual management tags are designed to improve cattle management by displaying the unique NLIS ID series number in large font on a large coloured ear tag along with your PIC number printed above in smaller font.
The NLIS ID is the number laser printed on the outside of the circular NLIS electronic ear tag and is matched with the unique RFID transponder number inside the ear tag. (Both numbers are recorded in the NLIS database)
This means in the yards or in the field at distance you can easily see and record the NLIS ID series number and then later associate it with the RFID number.
The Maxi Matching Management visual tags are laser marked to match your NLIS device with your PIC above the series number. (see example image)
AgriEid will match the NLIS ID series number sequence as per your electronic NLIS Ear Tag order.
Includes laser marking and a standard male button.