Cloud Software Demo
Farm Dashboard
Customise and view the most important data you need at your fingertips like $value and last medical treatment details, average daily weight gain etc
Livestock Module
Add records and update with medical treatments, weight records and notes. Upload tag numbers from the NLIS system.
Medical Batch
Create a new medical batch and allocate it to an individual animal, bulk selected individual animals or a group.
Bulk allocation of medical treatments is the fastest available in the market for simplicity in record keeping with minimal effort and time.
Facial Recognition
latest module to help you identify your livestock. Upload 3 photos and then use a photos to match and bring up the individual record like magic !
Artificial Intelligence
Farm chatbot to assist with farm management and productivity. Now with upload button so you can query soil reports for optimal action to improve land value and productivity.
Events Module
Add important events into the planner with important items like livestock scheduled medical treatments, seed planing and spraying etc
Machinery Module
Add your machinery purchase invoices and service schedules and maintenance records. Upload invoices and make your own service notes like oil change with date and type etc
To Do List
Create a to do list for different tasks with urgency and ability to share with other team memebers.
Rain Gauge with Analytics
Add in your historical data and view your most recent data to previous records and observe the trend. A must for folks interested in how their land is changing over time.
Paddock Maintenance
Stock rotation and paddock maintenance with slashing, seeding and hebicide treatments for LAP audit requirements.