General NLIS Questions
What is the NLIS ?
Click here to watch the introductory video
Why are there 2 different NLIS Tag Numbers ?
The NLISID number is printed on the outside of an electronic ear tag used to identify cattle (or on the visual ear tag indicating that a rumen bolus has been applied). The RFID number is the transponder number inside the ear tag or bolus. The NLISID number is read visually. The RFID number is read electronically, using a hand-held or fixed panel reader.
Click here for NLIS Tag Quick Start Guide
First Step - Complete LPA Acreditation for your farm
Click here to get started
LPA acreditation is required to legally buy, sell and manage livestock in Australia. This is a first step for all new farmers who have just purchased a property.
What is an NVD (National Vendor Declaration) ?
The Livestock Production Assurance NVD communicates the food safety and treatment status of every animal every time it moves between properties, to saleyards or processors. NVDs are a legal document that are key to Australian red meat traceability and market access, and act as movement documentation throughout the value chain.
Click here to learn more
Click here to watch video
Click here to view sample
How do I move livestock on and off my property ?
The person who receives the cattle must ensure that the transfer is recorded on the NLIS Database.
If cattle are bought or sold through a saleyard, or sold to an abattoir, the saleyard or abattoir notifies the
database. If you buy cattle privately you, or someone acting on your behalf, must notify the database.
Click here for the NLIS Transfer Quick Start Guide
How do I start using the NLIS ?
All the information on how to start using the NLIS system is available here
How do I purchase electronic NLIS tags ?
Please click here to purchase official electronic NLIS livestock tags.
How do I purchase an electronic NLIS tag reader ?
Please click here to view the range of NLIS tag readers available to order online.
NLIS Database User Guide ?
Click here to view the extensive PDF guide on how to use the free NLIS software system.
NLIS Support and Contact Information ?